Archive for the 'Summer' Category

Mbarak 3alaikom Elshahar..

Kil 3am Wintaw Bkhair!

Kil 3am Wintaw Bkhair!

Breaking News!!

I just heard from my brother that if the police caught you riding the bumpy road they take away your license!! permanently!!

oh the horror!! i haven’t been to it in months!! this sucks! so what if it’s a parking lot and it’s illegal?! so what if it’s dangerous to pedestrians?! it’s fucking fun!!

and do they really have to take the license permanently? why don’t you just shoot them in the head while your at it?!

i feel so heartbroken it’s pathetic… *runs sobbing into the darkness*

Recent Craving…



Sing It Wit Me…


never felt so good.. ;Pp


STOP! Blabber Time..

oooh ooh ooh… oooh ooh ooh..

moving on.

truth be told it’s already come to mind that i should just close this window and my laptop and open my book, since i have 2 finals on saturday and sunday. but i quickly threw that thought out the window quicker than you can say “holy mother of hell i have a belly button!”

yes people. the thought left me that quickly.

as i was saying. i’m bored as hell and have nothing to do, don’t tell me to study, then i won’t just in spite.

ya wardity ya nidiya, roo7y lifeely hadiya.

*sigh* i can’t get that song out of my head. and the worst thing is that the last time i heard that song was 2 years ago, i think.

what’s up with people sending me emails congratulating me that i won the lottery? it’s too much that i’m starting to get tempted to email them and tellin them to fuck off and transferring the money to my ‘shove it up your ass’ account in switzerland. seriously i already got 4 of those in 1 week, coincidence? i think not… they are playing with my patience, i tell you!

lalah hungry all of a sudden… =/

ya wardity ya nidiya, roo7y lifeely hadiya 😀

here’s what i’m going to do. i’m going to put that sentence alot so that i won’t be the only one who has this song stuck in their head. evil huh?

misery loves company munchkin. deal with it.

just a few days and i’ll be done with this! yaaay i’m uber excited! the first thing i’m gonn do is burn my uniform.. probably won’t. but at least i have that thought to put a smile on my face at odd times… like when my mom was lecturing me about studying and getting my grades up and then all of a sudden. sarah has this huge grin on her face.. ^_^

great news! paullette has left! yay! peace and quiet at last thank you very much.

made a deal with the devil err mother.. and said that if i get accepted to the uni i want i can travel.. on my own! yay! pray for me ppl and give happy encouraging thoughts..

ya wardity ya nidiya, roo7y lifeely hadiya…

i’m starting to get bored and have nothing left to say… so i’ll see yaz later.

memo to me: buy ki7il 😛 i keep forgetting 😀

ya wardity ya nidiya, roo7y lifeely hadiya..

Nice Face! What are you going to do when the Baboon wants his Ass back?

bitch post y’all! either read on or close the damn thing 🙂

maly 5ilg i wake up everyday and do the same shit! 7arr!! 7aaaarr!! the least the little fuckers can do is put some ac or something! it’s summer for crying out loud!

i wanna travel, i’ve been here for the last 4 summers and i’m bored! some where nice, somewhere nice. i know i already said nice but i’m trying to emphasise on it 🙂

apparently i have a roommate, she’s a pigeon and i named it paullete. i don’t know if it’s a male or female. but the bitch is starting to annoying the hell out of me “qooooooo!! QOOOOOOOOOO!!! QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”  i mean shit!!! what the fuck did i do to diserve this?! is it supposed to be a wake up call? everytime i shoo it, 10 minutes later “QOOOOOOOO!!” augh!!

i wanna post a photo of satan’s spawn.. bes madri shfee the laptop rayi7 feeha.. i’ll post it when i can ^_^

i noticed i’ve been neglecting this blog… it saddens me that i’ve sorta lost interest.. i just don’t seem to see anything blog-worthy.. maybe i’m just outgrowing this or maybe i’m just boring.. =/

this college thing is killing me! too many choices and no time! and my parents are killing me! everytime they see me “ha darastay?” “naby 3alamat zaina ok?” “rif3ay ilmo3adal haa?” pressure much? seriously my dad’s travelling for medical reasons and the first thing he said to me when i spoke to him was asking me if i was studying.. popsy tara lail7een ma bida il9aifi and you’re already asking if i was studying? oh and doing good.. feeling fine thanks for asking.. *hangs herself*

pressuring me and always nagging me to study makes me rebelious o 3nad ma adris! la t7inoon!

my bathroom is like a sauna! yes people! i’m bitcing about my bathroom! i’m in awe as to how my brother lived with the goddamn bathroom! 7arr! and i finaly have proof that he’s truely a guy since he has no single mirror in the room. how am i supposed to wear my contacts? how the hell am i gonna see if what i’m wearing makes me look fat, or like a slut? go with my gut instincts?

i’ve never noticed i complain alot… hmmm have i always been like this? i wonder…

here’s something i just noticed.. my laptop sucks! bad afandi.. baaaaaaad afandi! my usb thing doesn’t work 😦 i wanna put misic on my ipod and it doesn’t work 😥 hifff

damn i’m so depressed… would a cigarette help me?

I’ve Moved Out..

yes and now i’m living upstairs and now i’m neighbors with my sister. my mom’s friend is coming to kuwait today and staying for 2 months. and the only place for her to stay is my room. and i’m completely happy with that 😀

the room is still full of suitcases and boxes of my crap, but it has that cozy feeling that only i can bring. i have my own tiny fridge, my own ac and my own bathroom, not that i didn’t have my own bathroom but you know what i’m saying, right?

it seems to be an adventure in the making. i don’t know why but i like it and i’m looking forward to this new arrangement. and the best thing about it is that the bed is huuuge 😀

I Did It…

Again! 😀

Guess The Celebrity

we were on vacation, the whole family, my grandmother, my aunts, my uncle. all of us.

so me and my sister, brother, and 2 cousins decided to go to the movies, and we went to the movie theater that’s closest to our apartments since this was decided on such short notice. we miraculously get seats, and go in quick since the movie was about 10 minutes to start.

we go in, i sit at the other end. i’m kinda pissed, since i like sitting at the isle, oh well, i couldn’t do anything about that. then i would say that it was the best thing that happened to me that summer.

2 minutes till the movie starts and he walks over to our isle and asks us for some room so he could pass. i swear to you, everybody was staring at him, how obvious could they get! i had no idea what was going on! i thought they were looking at the girl who was with him, since she was quite attractive. so i just rolled my eyes and started to do the thing when people wanna pass you, you sorta try to shrink or something, and i kept hearing them saying “omg”, “holy shit” and the like. so he goes and sits 2 seats next to me. i turn to them sharply and ask what their problem was. and that’s when they tell me. i froze “what?! where?!” i didn’t realize that it was him. but when i turned and saw him again, i realized it was really him!

omg!! i loved him! i love his show, i love his sense of humor, and i respect him as an actor, he’s one of my favorite actors, and he’s sitting 2 seats next to me!!

they were telling me to go and say something, talk to him, ask for his autograph, something! i was saying no. we should respect his privacy and leave him alone, plus the movie just started.

20 minutes later, without meaning to, i turn my head in his direction, and at the same time he does the same. he smiled and winked at me.. *squeeeeee*

that was one of the best summers ever!

guess who it is, i’ll give you some hints:

  • he’s a man (duh!)
  • he’s 38 years old.
  • he’s worked on one of the best shows on television.
  • his sense of humor is legendary.
  • his middle name is Langford.
  • He spoke the last line in the final episode of his show, he said, “where?”

guess who?

NOTE: ok so we all obviously know who it is, yes it’s Matthew Perry…

All In A Days’ Worth..

Time: 7.23 A.M,
woke up. still tired. realized that i’ve been waking up at 7 for the past month. must find solution.

Time: 8.12 A.M,
still awake in bed listening to Goo Goo dolls trying to fall asleep.

Time: 9.35 A.M,
watching die hard 4 on my mac.. laughing my ass off

Time: 11.05 A.M,
finally fell back asleep.

Time: 4.55 P.M,
woke up by msg from FReX asking if we’re still on for today..

Time: 5.10 P.M,
got up and took shower.

Time: 5.34 P.M,
finished shower, and checked phone to see if anybody called or anything.. felt depressed since i’m obviously not wanted =( then cheered up when i noticed that i took about 15 minutes to shower, and that never happens!! i usually take an hour or something to take a quick shower =D

Time: 5.55 P.M,
FReX arrives and we sit on my sofa/bed and talk about how the other 2 fishies died (may they RIP)

Time: 6.00 P.M,
hear CK barking and realizing that it’s prolly the boys finaly arriving.

Time: 6.04 P.M,
the boys are back!!! yaaay i missed them so much!! and surprisingly dad didn’t say anything about the fish… got kinda scared because of that..

Time: 6.07 P.M,
said my first cuss of the day (F*&%) because of teh stupid maid who i love oh so much (plz notice the sarcasm) has decided to disappear for the time..

Time: 6.09 P.M,
cousins finally arrive and we eat lunch/fu6oor and laugh at each other and joking around…

Time: 6.30 P.M,
sitting in the couch hearing stories about 9irm eshai5 and checking out photos… really loved that part of the day *sigh*

Time: 7.15 P.M,
realize i was in the mood for some ice-cream, i got ready and scarred my little brother for life when he saw me – which wasn’t my fault, he shouldn’t have been there (you figure out what he saw, but don’t go far. it wasn’t that bad :P)

Time: 7.25 P.M
we’re finally in the car but stop on the way when we heard the radio, and went back home to get my iPod.

Time: 7.35 P.M,
get in the car again, and go to jam3iya shamiya to get our ice-cream. stopped them and suggested going somewhere else before (the bumpy road). they were totally on board! so we were set to go there. stopped them again when i realized that they didn’t bring the wire to connect the iPod to the cars’ radio.

Time: 7.42 P.M,
get home, and i rush inside to get the wire when i find out that it’s in the family car, go outside to the car and find out it’s not here (totally bummed at this point) then ah-ha! maybe it’s in the other car. find out it’s not there.. (went into depression). then i went back inside again to get some cds that are sooo old!! i couldn’t believe i still had ’em.

Time: 7.47 P.M,
leave home to go to the bumpy road when i realized that i forgot my phone (you cannot imagine how stupid i felt)

Time: 7.50 P.M,
got home…again, and get my phone. my little brother screams and tells me i’m driving him crazy by coming and going and coming and going.. (he has no idea how i felt)

Time: 7.54 P.M,
stopped at the school that’s infront of the jam3iya to switch seats (i know it seems normal, but you have no idea how funny that was LOL!)

Time: 8.32 P.M,
in front of the bumpy road (across the street) and fighting the urge not to dance happily and clap my hands.

Time: 8.43 P.M,
still at the same spot that we were, much less excited and more bored and fighting the urge not to lean over and honk the stupid horn!

Time: 8.55 P.M,
at the front of that same light, waiting for that light to turn green..

Time: 8.59 P.M,
lights turned green YAY!! getting closer and closer to my bumpy!! XD

Time: 9.05 P.M,
finally about to enter when we realize it’s very crowded. not much chance to really enjoy it like we usually do. so we decide to wait a little bit since there were no cars behind us..

Time: 9.07 P.M,
we go in!! and have a blast!! but it ended too quickly.. oh well!! totally worth it!

Time: 9.12 P.M,
miss our turn to head over to shamiya.. felt totally stupid at that point since i should’ve known..

Time: 9.20 P.M,
find out that a guy has been staring at us and following us for quite a while, and realized he’s one of those stubborn guys who will probably follow you to your house, pretty irritating if you ask me..

Time: 9.25 P.M,
turn into shamiya and that punk is still following us… augh!!!

Time: 9.27 P.M,
at the roundabout and we take a surprise turn and drive like hell to the fir3 near my grandmothers house..

Time: 9.29 P.M,
realize that he’s still behind us! so annoying it’s starting to scare us (quite the adventure, don’t you think??)

Time: 9.32 P.M,
almost broke the car since rikabna ra9eef without noticing. and he’s still behind us (gotta give him props for being so persistent) and we park behind a car and act like we’re waiting for someone. he gets the message and goes to the fir3.

Time: 9.35 P.M,
we laugh evilly and think we got him, and when we drive off we find him next to us (sonofabitch!)

Time: 9.42 P.M,
we give up and say that we’re not gonna do anything and just ignore him and get us some ice-cream (for crying out loud, this is getting ridiculous!!)

Time: 9.53 P.M,
through some miracle we finally get rid of him (through some amazing plan i deducted muahahaha!) though we almost hit a car, and almost get hit by the same car (what was his hurry anyway?!)

Time: 9.55 P.M,
get into baskin robins and get our ice-cream, though while walking towards it we kept looking at every car that was even remotely the same as his and freaking out thinking he found us!

Time: 10.25 P.M,
say goodbye to both cousins and planned what we’d be doing the next day..

Time: 10.37 P.M,
said goodbye to FReX

Time: 10.45 P.M,
brother coming and telling me we’re going to play kout (see how confident he was of the fact that i’m going to play?)

and now here i am, on my laptop checking everything that i’ve missed, checking all the blogs that i usually read, and all that blob 😛

and now i’m off to waste my time with someone else… hope i didn’t take much of your time 😛

Words of wisdom..

Just when you think life's a bitch, she has puppies.

May 2024

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